Protect everyone around you from the spit offenders with the POLIVEIL Spit Mask

One can never know what kind of disease the criminals who are being arrested are carrying, which is why you need to protect yourself from the spit offenders as a law enforcer. A mask has been created just for this issue, and it is called the POLIVEIL Spit Mask.

There are three different types of masks; two that allow the criminal to see while keeping their identity hidden, and one that will allow people to see the criminal’s face. All the necessary info about this mask is neatly listed on their website, so make sure to check it out.

After the criminal is cuffed, you should put the mask over their head and protect not only the law enforcers but also the medical staff on the scene. Do not risk getting spat on by a stranger, because the Spit Mask is designed to protect you and everyone around you!

Protect the law-enforcers and medical staff with the POLIVEIL Spit Mask

Police officers will sometimes use towels or T-shirts to protect the criminal’s identity as well as to protect everyone around from the spit attacks, which should not be taken lightly. However, to make this a much easier process, the POLIVEIL Spit Mask was designed for everyone who works in such environment.

Unlike with the T-shirt or any type of cloth one would put over the criminal’s face, the Spit Mask is created so that the identity of the criminals will be protected while giving them the ability to see everything in front of them and protect everyone around from spit attacks.

There have been numerous occasions where the officers who were spat on suffered from hepatitis C, HIV as well as other high-risk health infections. Well, now there is an easy way to protect the law enforcers and everyone on the scene, with the use of POLIVEIL Spit Mask.