A spithood or spit mask is used by law enforcement when they need a uniform procedure to protect the identity of an arrested person AND to provide a proportionate response to protect law enforcement officers and first responders from harm and disease caused by spitting or biting.
- Apply to those under arrest or already in custody and need their identity protected, or to stop them spitting.
- At court or giving a testimony, witness protection.
- Nuisance hospital patients.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
- Provides anonymity from media and public (except the white variety)
- Police may want to conceal a persons identity for safety reasons.
- Prison services may also want to protect inmate identity. E.g., high risk offenders, peadophiles, internal transfers for high profile inmates.
- Protect the identity of “under aged” offenders.
- POLIVEIL may assist in the prevention of potential HIV, Covid-19, Hepatitis C and other disease transfer.
- Collects DNA, from hair and saliva, once it has been applied.
- Apply to those under arrest or already in custody and need their identity protected, or to stop them spitting.
- At court or giving a testimony, witness protection.
- Nuisance hospital patients.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
- Provides anonymity from media and public (except the white variety)
- Police may want to conceal a persons identity for safety reasons.
- Prison services may also want to protect inmate identity. E.g., high risk offenders, peadophiles, internal transfers for high profile inmates.
- Protect the identity of “under aged” offenders.
- POLIVEIL may assist in the prevention of potential HIV, Covid-19, Hepatitis C and other disease transfer.
- Collects DNA, from hair and saliva, once it has been applied.
Spit masks for law enforcement
Apply to those under arrest or already in custody and need their identity protected, or to stop them spitting.
- At court or giving a testimony, witness protection.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
- Provides anonymity from media and public (except the white variety)
- Police may want to conceal a person’s identity for safety reasons.
- Prison services may also want to protect inmate identity. E.g., high risk offenders, peadophiles, internal transfers for high profile inmates.
- Protect the identity of “under aged” offenders.
- Collects DNA, from hair and saliva, once it has been applied.
Spit masks for prisoners
- Prison services may also want to protect inmate identity. E.g., high risk offenders, peadophiles, internal transfers for high profile inmates.
- Protect the identity of “under aged” offenders.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
Spit masks for inmates
- Prison services may also want to protect inmate identity. E.g., high risk offenders, peadophiles, internal transfers for high profile inmates.
- Protect the identity of “under aged” offenders.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
Spit masks for hospitals
- Nuisance hospital patients.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
- POLIVEIL may assist in the prevention of potential HIV, Covid-19, Hepatitis C and other disease transfer.
Spit masks for jail
- Prison services may also want to protect inmate identity. E.g., high risk offenders, peadophiles, internal transfers for high profile inmates.
- Protect the identity of “under aged” offenders.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
Spit masks for police
- Apply to those under arrest or already in custody and need their identity protected, or to stop them spitting.
- At court or giving a testimony, witness protection.
- Demonstrates a “duty of care” by authorities.
- Provides anonymity from media and public (except the white variety)
- Police may want to conceal a person’s identity for safety reasons.
- Prison services may also want to protect inmate identity. E.g., high risk offenders, peadophiles, internal transfers for high profile inmates.
- Protect the identity of “under aged” offenders.
- Collects DNA, from hair and saliva, once it has been applied.
A spit mask is a device that is used to prevent a person from spitting or biting, especially when they are aggressive or have a communicable disease. Spit masks are usually made of a breathable fabric or mesh that covers the person’s head and mouth. Some spit masks also have eye holes or clear plastic windows to allow the person to see.
Spit masks are used in different countries and contexts, such as prisons, police, mental health facilities, or airports. The use of spit masks varies depending on the laws, policies, and practices of each place. Some places have banned or restricted the use of spit masks, while others have increased or defended their use.
- Canada
- Sweden
- Finland
- Norway
- Great Britain
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Belgium
- France